Wednesday, September 10th, 2014
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM | ILLiad Non-Routine Workflows
Description: There's always an exception to the rule--and ILLiad is no exception! You may be familiar with the workflows for routine ILL processing, but ILLiad also provides tracking for those situations where the exception rules. In this session we will cover the best practices for processing in situations like renewals, overdues, or conditionals, and in problem situations like duplicate and incorrect receipts. If you've ever wondered if you're handling these situations correctly, this is the workshop for you.
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM | ILLiad Enhanced Workflows
Description: The complexity of the 21st Century library is part of Interlibrary Loan as much as any other library department. In this workshop we will look at a variety of situations where you can create customized workflows to handle some of the complex routines that are presented to you each day. Situations include:
Serving distance education students
Requesting or providing international interlibrary loan
Purchasing on-demand
Implementing document delivery services
Delivering via a courier or non-postal services
Thursday, September 11th, 2014
8:15 AM - 9:00 AM | Registration & Continental Breakfast | PAC Lobby
9:00 AM - 9:15 AM | Opening Remarks | PAC Auditorium
9:15 AM - 10:30 AM | Keynote Address | Lori Reed | PAC Auditorium
Lori is the Customer Experience Coordinator at NoveList, a Division of EBSCO Information Services.
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM | Meet the Exhibitors | PAC Lobby
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Lightning Rounds | PAC Auditorium
Training Employees and Volunteers: How to Create a Well Oiled Machine | Lori Bullis
Service Above Systems: Harmonizing ILLiad and DOCLINE | Angela Galvan
A Picture Might Really Be Worth a Thousand Words, So Scan It Right! | Barb Butler & Karen Bankole
GoogILL: Easy Collaboration Throughout Google Apps | Sarah Troy
ILL and Resource Sharing – The Future of Interoperability | Clare MacKeigan
Thoughts From IFLA 2013 | CJ de Jong & Heidi Nance
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM | Lunch | Cafeteria
1:00 PM - 1:50 PM | Exhibitor Presentations
OCLC [9] | Christa Starck
Reprints Desk [10] | Tony Landolt
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM | Concurrent Sessions
Rethinking ILL in 2-Million Easy Steps [11] | Amy Kautzman & Robin Gustafson | PAC Auditorium
Description: Last year UC Davis University Library began a library-wide reorganization. The Access Service changes demanded a complete analysis in order to streamline borrowing, lending, and billing workflows. This presentation takes the audience through the Business Process Improvement steps we took to rethink, redesign, and rebuild a more patron-centered ILL. At the end of this session the audience will have an overview of the project management steps necessary to go through a successful work flow analysis.
Amy Kautzman is the Associate Director of Academic Services at UC Davis. She has vast public services experience and ran the UCD Access Services Department for four years. She has been a subject librarian and department head at UC Berkeley, Harvard University and Northeastern University.
Robin Gustafson is the UC Davis Access and Delivery Services Department Head. She has a long history with the UCD Library with responsibilities in technical services, government information, and public services. She began her career at UC Davis as a student employee in access services.
Introduction to ILL for New Practitioners [12] | David Ketchum & Linda Frederiksen | Little Theatre
Description: Are you new to ILL, or not confident about what you are or should be doing? This program is designed to help ILL practitioners better understand the basics of ILL. David and Linda will discuss various ILL-related topics such as where to look for material, how and where to request items, copyright and licensing, ILL codes and best practices, OCLC, ILL management systems and much more. There will be plenty of time available for questions and discussion.
David Ketchum is the Resource Sharing Librarian at the University of Oregon Libraries. David has over 14 years of resource sharing and document delivery experience in academic libraries, and his professional interests include library management, intellectual freedom and confidentiality, and assessment. David earned his Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies at the University of Montana, and his MLIS at the University of Southern Mississippi.
Linda Frederiksen received her MLS from Emporia State University and is currently the Head of Access Services at Washington State University Vancouver (WS2).
2:45 PM - 3:00 PM | Break | PAC Lobby
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM | Concurrent Sessions
ILL Plus: The Revolution Will be Decentralized [13] | Heidi Nance & Tom Bruno | PAC Auditorium
Description: Heidi Nance will discuss her experience implementing the UW's ""ILL Plus"" Searching program, whereby non-ILL, front-line library staff and students perform first-pass ILL searching during slow times. Throughout this project we tried, failed, tried again, failed better, and ultimately succeeded beyond our expectations. Come learn how we proposed the project in the first place (we didn't), how we organized the program, trained searchers, and provided ongoing support and documentation. (Spoiler alert: Starbucks cards were involved.) Tom Bruno will discuss two experiences implementing decentralized ILL processing at two libraries - training student desk workers in Widener Library at Harvard University and cross-training public services staff in Sterling Memorial Library at Yale University. The first implementation was a huge success; the second, not so much. What causes some shared workflows to succeed and others to fail? Come for the Schadenfreude and stay for the soul-searching.
Heidi Nance is the Head of Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Services at the University of Washington Libraries in Seattle, Washington. She received her Master's in Library and Information Science from the University of Washington iSchool, and her B.A. in English Literature from Seattle Pacific University. She co-authored ""Global Resource Sharing,"" published by Chandos Press, in 2009. She lives in Seattle with her husband, son, two misbehaving cats, and ""Happy Turbo Hammy the Hamster."" Her interests include assessment, workflow analysis, licensing, international ILL, planners (both digital and analog), and cheesecake. She can also make a mean pivot table.
Tom Bruno is the Associate Director for Resource Sharing and Reserves at the Sterling Memorial and Bass Libraries at Yale University. Previously he was the Head of Resource Sharing at the Widener Library at the Harvard College Library. He received his Master's in Library and Information Science from Simmons College and has a BA in Ancient Greek and Latin from Boston University. In another life, Tom wanted to be an astronaut, and he eagerly looks forward to filling his first interplanetary interlibrary loan request.
DIY Document Delivery [14] | Turner Masland & Molly Blalock-Koral | Little Theatre
Description: This session will detail the Resource Sharing Department's implementation of a document delivery service (including delivery of physical materials to faculty departments) allowing us to increase services and encourage use of the collection. This supports the department's mission ""To facilitate research for Portland State University faculty, staff and students by supporting educational and curricular needs.""
Turner Masland manages the Resource Sharing Department at the Portland State University Library. His team oversees interlibrary loan, inter-consortial lending and borrowing, and he recently implemented document delivery and faculty delivery services. Turner believes that resources are only as useful as they are accessible, and as libraries continue to face various challenges, Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing are integral to the success of our patrons.
Molly Blalock-Koral is Access Services Manager at the Portland State University Library. She began working at the Library as a student employee in 2000, and has held the positions of Holds Clerk, Billing Clerk, Student Supervisor, and Circulation Supervisor. She earned her MPA and BA from Portland State and is currently working on her MLIS at San Jose State.
3:45 PM - 4:00 PM | Break | PAC Lobby
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM | Concurrent Sessions
Delivery: How It REALLY Works [15] | Rae Cheney & Anya Arnold | PAC Auditorium
Description: Ever wonder what truly happens after your library items leave your library? Do you worry about delivery time? Two library courier managers will walk you through the ins and outs of Courier Services and how we as libraries/ clients of couriers can hold them accountable in order to provide the best service to our patrons. After all, what is the value in discovery without delivery?
Rae Cheney is the manager of Trans-Amigos Express, the interlibrary loan courier service provided by Amigos Library Services, where she provides customer service to over 250 participating libraries. She has overseen the connection of Trans-Amigos Express to two other courier services, expanding the reach of the courier service to over 500 additional libraries. She previously worked as a middle school librarian for the Dallas Independent School District. She has a Master of Science in library science from the University of North Texas and a Bachelor of Arts in theatre from the University of Texas Pan-American.
Anya coordinates and leads collaborative groups composed of vendors and member library staff to develop recommendations and procedures that oversee the day to day workings of the consortial resource sharing program which contains 37 members libraries and the courier program which has 87 library locations. Before and after obtaining her MLIS from the University of Pittsburgh she worked at OCLC and played a lead role in numerous strategic program development and technology initiatives within Resource Sharing. In addition, her Fozzie Bear sense of humor and a very detailed calendar helps her to remain an attentive wife and an understanding mother to her small two children.
Ask Anything | CJ de Jong | Little Theatre
Description: Do you have questions about your day to day ILL work? Would you like feedback from your colleagues on something you’re working on? The conference sessions missed a hot topic issue for you? Then join us for an open forum question period on Interlibrary Loan. This facilitated session allows you to ask questions on any ILL topic and share your expertise with your colleagues. You’re bound to learn something new at this session!
CJ de Jong is the Access Services Coordinator at the University of Alberta, supporting one of the major research collections in Canada by coordinating interlibrary loan, reserves, circulation, shelving, stacks maintenance, and high density storage. With interests in human resources, workflow management, user experiences, assessment, and leadership, CJ has presented at numerous conferences on related topics. He is a member of the Alberta Relais Consortium Committee, and the NEOS Consortium’s Access Services Committee. Contact CJ at
4:45 PM - 5:45 PM | Reception | PAC Lobby
Friday, September 12th, 2014
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM | Registration | PAC Lobby
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM | Continental Breakfast | PAC Lobby
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM | Concurrent Sessions
Delivering the Goods: How the Furman Libraries Come Across with Relevant Resource Sharing Services [16] | Elaina Griffith | PAC Auditorium
Description: In the face of organizational restructuring at the Furman University Libraries, resource sharing staff took the opportunity to reassess essential services, workflows, and equipment in the interlibrary loan department. This presentation explores how steps were taken to identify user needs and satisfaction, align with best practices, and create value-added services.
Elaina Griffith manages resource sharing services at the Furman University Libraries in Greenville, SC. She has nearly 20 years of experience in public and academic libraries, and will receive her MLIS degree from San Jose State University in August of 2014. Ms. Griffith currently serves on the Universal Borrowing Committee of the PASCAL Delivers consortium in South Carolina.
WorldShare...Let's Talk! [17] | CJ de Jong | Little Theatre
Description: You've had some time to work with WorldShare, which may have given you some ideas about improvements. This facilitated session will give you an opportunity to discuss ideas and bring them together to be presented to OCLC for feedback.
CJ de Jong is the Access Services Coordinator at the University of Alberta, supporting one of the major research collections in Canada by coordinating interlibrary loan, reserves, circulation, shelving, stacks maintenance, and high density storage. With interests in human resources, workflow management, user experiences, assessment, and leadership, CJ has presented at numerous conferences on related topics. He is a member of the Alberta Relais Consortium Committee, and the NEOS Consortium’s Access Services Committee. Contact CJ at
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM | Break | PAC Lobby
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM | Concurrent Sessions
X, Y and Z Are Call Numbers, Not Co-Workers: Communicating and Learning Through Generational Differences [18] | Kerry Keegan | PAC Auditorium
Description: As more workers choose to postpone retirement, the library workplace has become home to an increasingly wider range of employee generations. Recognizing the differences and similarities in the communication preferences of these generations will assist in forming useful and thoughtful exchanges between coworkers, supervisors, and subordinates. This session will help attendees to gain insight into learning and interaction predilections, and cultivate an ability to recognize and rectify training gaps using researched and proven teaching techniques.
Kerry Keegan is currently employed as a Customer Service Agent for Atlas Systems and strives to attain its mission of “Library Excellence through Efficiency,” while supporting and training users in the company’s ILLiad, Ares, and Aeon products. From 2009 to 2012, she served as Head of Access Services for Stony Brook University’s Health Sciences Library. Her interests include semantic technologies, andragogy, and creative uses of limited budgets. She holds a BA in English from Stony Brook University, a MS in Library and Information Science from Queens College, and a Master of Professional Studies degree, with a focus on Human Resource Management from Stony Brook University. She also serves as Section Editor for RUSA STARS.
Ask Anything | Sarah Troy | Little Theatre
Description: Do you have questions about your day to day ILL work? Would you like feedback from your colleagues on something you’re working on? The conference sessions missed a hot topic issue for you? Then join us for an open forum question period on Interlibrary Loan. This facilitated session allows you to ask questions on any ILL topic and share your expertise with your colleagues. You’re bound to learn something new at this session!
Sarah Troy, Head of User Services & Resource Sharing at the University of California, Santa Cruz, obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Modern Literature from University of California,
Santa Cruz and her MLIS from San Jose State University. She has published in the "Journal of Access Services" and contributed to "Letting Go of Legacy Services: Case Studies" (ALA Editions, 2014). She currently oversees five public service units, including: Circulation, Collection Maintenance, Interlibrary Loan, the Media Center, and Reserves. Sarah is interested in issues related to leadership and management, resource sharing, and public service.
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM | Break | PAC Lobby
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM | Occam’s Reader Pilot Project Update [19] | Ryan Litsey & Kenny Ketner | PAC Auditorium
Description: Occam's Reader partnered with Springer to bring about a pilot project to lend eBooks through the system for one calendar year, beginning in March 2014. This session will cover progress of the pilot.
Ryan Litsey is the Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan Assistant Librarian in the Texas Tech University Library. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science as well as a Master of Arts in Political Science from California State University Northridge. He also holds a Master of Science in Library and Information Science from Florida State University.
Kenny Ketner is the Software Development Manager at Texas Tech University Libraries, where he has worked since 2008. He has worked as a programmer since 1999.
11:45 AM - 12:45 PM | Lunch | Cafeteria
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM | Innovating and Collaborating the IDS Way [20] | Philip Mui, Silvia Cho & Beth Posner | PAC Auditorium
Description: The IDS Project is a well-established collaborative effort in New York state focused on technological innovation, mentorship, resource sharing and the development of best practices among libraries. In this presentation we will explore how the IDS Project’s tools – GIST, GDM, ALIAS, TPAM, Logic, etc - as well as the IDS “Way,” can be used to work better within our libraries, as well as among our ILL colleagues, to benefit all library staff and patrons.
Philip Mui is the Library Technical Assistant at the New York Public Library and also a workflow mentor within the IDS Project. He has been working with Interlibrary Loan for 4 years.
Silvia Cho is the Interlibrary Loan Supervisor at The CUNY Graduate Center Library and an IDS mentor-in-training. She received her Master's in Library Science at Queens College and have previously presented about multicultural users' library use patterns.
Beth Posner is the Head of Library Resource Sharing at The CUNY Graduate Center Library. She has worked in ILL for over 20 years, is active in the Rethinking Resource Sharing Initiative, ALA RUSA STARS and the IDS Project, and writes on the future of library resource sharing and the image of librarians.
1:50 PM - 2:30 PM | Closing Session and Prizes | PAC Auditorium